


What’s the right time in our lives to change our hair style?  What styles age us vs. what looks say, ” No way! You’re not possibly that age!”

Having just turned 50 and having long-time clients who are aging with me, has made this issue a hot topic of concern.  Remember, we want Father Time to be very, very kind!

Here are 3 tips that I share with my clients:

1. Your hair cut should reflect your lifestyle.  Are you a retired, empty nester who is expanding her yogic training, pruning the Community Garden or volunteering at the local shelter?  A former polished Corporate ‘do’ will no longer work for new found endeavors on the mat, pulling weeds or walking the pups. Switch out the polished put-together style with something more textured and less structured. Most times, long locks, though easy to throw in a pony tail, signify youth and everything that goes with it!

2. Calm down your color.  If you were a ‘dye’ hard highlighter, try softening your look with an all over softer blonde adding just a few highlights. Dark raven locks are too harsh and it makes it very hard to go too long between root touch-ups.  The skunk stripe down your part is not an ageless look.  Start transitioning to a medium or lighter brown and switching to a demi-permanant dye which will add dimension. Bold reds will now look fake and take on a garish tone.  Redheads should consider adding a touch of golden brown to achieve a much more realistic look.

3. Show off your gray. There are a few lucky ladies with the perfect, enviable silver.  Talk to your stylist about how you can show off your gray with panache.  Silver glosses, adding ‘pepper’ lowlights, wearing a cut that accentuates the grey will move you into the Silver Fox category.


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It’s the New Year and many of us are feeling the pain of our evil Holiday ways.  And when I say Holiday, I mean the time between raiding your child’s Halloween booty to nursing a New Year’s hang-over with greasy fries and the hair-of-the-dog. That’s easily 8-9 weeks of turning a blind eye to the fact that over-eating and drinking lead to weight gain, bloating and feeling like that dead Christmas tree you just dragged to the curb.


When you’re the one that takes care of everyone else in your life and never gets around to taking care of yourself, try Motion by Melissa.

Melissa Weinberg’s mantra is “a body in motion stays in motion.” This certified personal trainer and former Junior Olympian rhythmic gymnast’s Find Your Motion Package is designed to help you discover the type of fitness and wellness lifestyle that will keep you on the path of motion for the long-term. It consists of one 60-minute wellness coaching session to set your optimal wellness in motion and ten 60-minute personal training sessions, incorporating a fusion of methods (strength training, cardio, Pilates, barre, yoga, etc.) customized to your unique needs, body, preferences, and motion. Mention this article and receive 10% off the package. www.motionmelissa.com


When your only stress-busters are eating, shopping, drinking and binging on early episodes of The Gilmore Girls, try Meditation Classes with George Hofmann.

Queen Village meditation teacher George Hoffman, believes that “Meditation is about awareness and focus as much as it is about quiet.” George, a student of Jon Kabot-Zinn,
will be teaching a stress-busting, four-week Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation starting February 2nd at Mama’s Wellness Joint, 11th and Pine Streets. ‘Practice’ makes perfect? No! Practice makes a Practice and one of George’s goals is for you to find a method of meditation that you can take home and practice regularly. www.mamaswellnessjoint.com ($75 for the 4 class series)


When your New Year’s Resolutions include both getting in shape and volunteering, try Students Run Philly Style

Lace up your running shoes and be prepared for some hard training and a rewarding experience.  Students Run Philly Style is a local non-profit whose mission is to invest in our youth’s long term well-being by building resilience through distance running. Volunteers provide adult mentorship and help motivate and train students for major area races, like the Broad Street Run.  What if you were able to train for and complete the Philadelphia Marathon and at the same time, provide much needed support, leadership and attention to our city’s youth? Sign up and find out how! www.studentsrunphilly.org


When you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, go see Dr. Orimenko at Live Well Holistic Health Center.

Refreshed and renewed vs. aches and pains you’ve learned to live with? Pick the first by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Martin Orimenko’s at his Wellness Center in Ardmore.  Dr. Martin, a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Holistic Chiropractor customizes a dietary and natural supplement based cleanse program to improve your digestion, increase your energy and boost your metabolism.  For the long-term healing process, Dr. Martin combines a number of therapeutic modalities (including gentle chiropractic, kiniesiology, ayurveda, and acupressure) to accelerate your healing and to optimize your health. First-time consultation is free. Live Well Holistic Health is located at16 East Lancaster Avenue in Ardmore. www.livewellholistichealth.com


When you’ve fallen off your mat because you’re not inspired by your Yoga practice anymore, try Ashtanga classes at Roots Philly Yoga.

Maybe it’s time to look beyond the 4 corners of your yoga mat. Check out Roots Philly Yoga for a total body workout that will bring your body, mind and even your spirit back to balance. Roots’ signature Ashtanga-Vinyasa yoga style is accessible for beginners, and challenging for the advanced practitioner all at the same time. RPY offers a variety of class times and is reasonably priced. Your purse strings and your hamstrings will thank you! New Student special: 3 classes for $25 or $99 for 2 months unlimited yoga when you become an annual member. Roots Philly Yoga is located at 925 Spring Garden Street.  www.rootsphillyyoga.com

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20120213_juju_0276I for one am tired of the hard-line, all or nothing approach to losing weight.  It can be so restrictive and painful.  It’s easy to give up when all you’re hearing about is another fruit you should never eat, or a new superfood you must eat, or calorie restriction, or insulin resistance, etc.  The maxims of this regime suck!

Try these easy, simple and unique things that may just give you a gentle nudge in your weight loss journey:

 Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Oil has been shown to suppress cravings and reduce appetite.  Before a meal, drink a tall glass of water with a few drops of peppermint oil.  My pick is peppermint oil infused seltzer water with a meal to help me feel full and avoid the temptation to overeat.


Meditation can positively affect your body’s basal metabolic rate (BMR), can help with hormonal re-balancing and can create a healthy awareness of your food intake,  food choices and food habits.  Sattva is a great app that helps you get and stay on track with a daily meditation practice.

 Morning Sunlight 

A study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine reports that three-quarters of Americans are vitamin-D deficient. D deficiency can cause weight gain. It’s nearly impossible to get enough of this vitamin from food alone.  Sunshine and Supplements are in order!  Enjoy the sun with a quick paced 10 minute early morning walk.  UV rays are lowest when the sun is rising, so this may be the safest time of the day for your ‘sun bath.’  But remember that aside from these few minutes a day, sunscreen should be worn whenever you’re going to be in the sun.   I use Thorne FX’s Vitamin D Supplement for additional protection.



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3 Best Practices For A Mid-Winter Detox

1. Get Organic Coconut Oil Buy, use, repeat. Best winter related uses include hair care and skin care – just slather it on liberally for instant, super-charged moisturizing;  boosted immune system – its lauric acid fights viruses and bacterias;  proper digestion and regulated metabolism – Holidays, VDay, Fat Tuesday, enough said. A teaspoon or two a day taken orally is an overall health booster.

2. Eat Maitake Mushrooms In short winter days, less sun exposure equals less vitamin D.  Though a vitamin D supplement helps, a tastier way to get your D is by eating some ‘hen of the woods’ or Maitake mushrooms.  1 cup of raw maitake mushrooms contains 786 international units of vitamin D, which is more than the daily intake recommendation for healthy adult men and women. Fyi, mushrooms are the only vegetable that contains Vitamin D. Bonus Points for sauteing in Coconut Oil!

3. Meditate Considering a Meditation Practice? Now’s the time to start.  The benefits of a regular meditation practice can include lessened anxiety, better sleep, mental clarity, more energy and yes, it can beat back those Winter Blues. Check out our First Spring Wellness Workshop on Mindfulness Meditation on March 2nd to learn more about starting or strengthening your personal Practice.  Space is limited, call 215-238-6080 to register.

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