organic shampoo



So many of our clients at juju are vexed by the frizz. The key to de-frizzing is two-fold, nourishing and re-hydrating the hair coupled with the right products.


Start with a DRY SHAMPOO. Over shampooing will dry out the hair, and dry hair, especially on curly girls, will cause The Dreaded Frizz.

I recommend shampooing no more than 3 times a week and using a dry shampoo on off days.  Just sprinkle if it’s in powder form or spray for liquid form, a small amount at the hairline and crown, and work through from roots to ends.  Cocoa Tinted Dry Shampoo by Sevi is a best seller at my salon.


are great for long lasting frizz and fly-away control and can also act as a styling product. Apply leave-in conditioner on towel dried hair, mid-shaft to ends. My clients and I love Hamadi’s Shea Leave-in Conditioner. It’s perfect for those who like to air-dry their hair.

Note: watch out for de-frizzing curl cremes that contain petroleum derived silicones for shine.  After time, this ingredient will dry out the hair and make your frizz worse!


Aloe not only moisturizes the hair, reducing frizz potential, it provides hold and style.  Apply to towel dried hair, midshaft to ends. Try mixing it with your leave-in conditioner for extra thick or frizz-prone hair. I like MGA’s Styling Gel because of its lightness and versatility.

Pure Aloe helps the hair retain water and moisture, re-balances pH levels in the hair and scalp and promotes hair growth!

FINISHING POMADE  Dab a very small amount of a finishing paste or pomade on dried and styled hair to reduce frizz’s ‘Halo effect.’ John Masters Organics’ Pomade with olive and castor oils, really fights frizz and can be used on all hair types.

Make sure you look for the USDA Certified Organic Label and show your support for organic farms and processors.

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I guarantee that you’ve had dandruff at least once in your life.  Sadly, many of us have had it more that once and seem to battle it on and off. Get to the root of the problem and stop dandruff from ever coming back again!

Seborrheic dermatitis, or dandruff is a very common affliction.  The brunt of the blame lies squarely on the harsh synthetic ingredients found in most conventional hair care products AND our obsession with over-shampooing our hair.

An overly-dry or oily scalp provides the perfect environment for dandruff to thrive. This is often caused by over-shampooing with cleansers containing Sodium Laural/Laureth Sulphates, PEGs, artificial fragrances and parabens.  These synthetic, cheap and potentially harmful ingredients* contribute to inflammatory and compromised skin conditions which in turn can lead to dandruff.

Poor diet and hygiene can also cause dandruff by encouraging fungal and bacteria growth on our scalp.

Fight off the flakes with these 4 easy and natural steps:

Shampoo less.  Our obsession with squeaky clean hair has become a bad habit for many of us.  Try using a dry shampoo between washings or ‘shampoo’ your hair with only conditioner.  Make sure to rinse thoroughly with this practice.
Only use natural and organic shampoos and hair care products.  Look for shampoos that contains tea tree oil, lavender oil, zinc, sage and aloe. DIY: add a few drops of lavender or tea tree oil to your favorite organic shampoo .  And remember, steer clear of synthetic, chemically laden ingredients will only worsen the problem.
Try a natural pre-shampoo treatment.  Massage your scalp with coconut oil for 5 minutes before you shampoo your hair.  Coconut oil contains naturally occurring antimicrobials and fungicides that help quash fungal and yeast growth.
Rinse your hair with Apple Cider Vinegar.  ACV naturally balances your scalp and hair’s pH.  Shampoos and soaps make the skin and scalp more alkaline which can compromise its ability to fight off fungus, a leading cause of dandruff.  ACV’s pH of 2.5-3 can rebalance the scalp.  Mix one part ACV with 2 parts distilled water.  In the shower, pour the mixture all over  wet hair and massage in for a few minutes.  Rinse well and condition  Added Bonus: ACV removes excess oil, water contaminants and product build-up leaving your hair soft and silky.

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We love Yarok here at juju. Their hair products are 100% vegan and made with certified organic, wild-harvested and responsibly harvested ingredients. And the scents in their shampoos, serums, oils and creams is heavenly! Yarok’s slogan is ‘Good for your head. Good for the Earth.’ and they donate 3% of their profits to a non-profit that protects the Amazon rainforest. In case you need any more reasons to love Yarok and try their products, here’s a detailed description of just one step in the crafting of their hair care deliciousness. Basically, they use pure filtered water that’s gone through a six step process using rare volcanic minerals:

Step One: Volcanic Sand: Precisely removes suspended solids, parasites, and bacteria such as E.coli. The Volcanic Sand absorbs trace heavy metals and merges with a carbon media to remove toxins like MTBE, pesticides, and PCB’s.

Step Two: Activated Coconut & Catalytic Carbon: These reduce 99% of chlorine, chlorinated hydrocarbons, chloramines, THMs, pesticides, foreign odors and tastes. Also removes MTBE, organic toxins, dirt, rust, sediment and bacteria.


Step Three: Magnetic Stone & Ceramic Magnets: This magnetic field purifies the water’s structure and drops the surface tension of the water while boosting its solubility this makes greater hydrating water that infiltrates cellular membranes and enhances the movement of nutrients and transports waste out of the body.

Step Four: Tenko Mineral Media: This results in a natural ionization process that creates the highest quality hydrogen & antioxidants which neutralize free radicals.

Step Five: Bakuhan Mineral: This adjusts the water to a stable alkaline PH. It increases the oxygen and eliminates harmful matter. This results in producing mountain spring water.

Step Six: Taicho Mineral: This creates a unique bio-static property that works to repress micro-organism and reduces the growth of bacteria, fungus, and algae in the water. IT also aids in neutralizing any remaining pesticides and chlorinated organic by-products.


So the easy answer to how to hydrate your hair is – just use Yarok’s shampoo and conditioner, because when they list ‘water’ in the ingredients, it’s not just any water. It’s pure, amazing elixir that will hydrate your hair and help it become free from tangles, breakage, coarseness, frizziness, staticness, dryness… And give life, shine and sexiness to your tresses!


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