Want To Be A Silver Fox…er… I mean, Go Gray?

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Want To Be A Silver Fox…er… I mean, Go Gray?

In Blog


I cannot tell you how often I’m asked by a client who is mentally toying with the idea of going gray, “Is there an easy way to go gray…?” “How can I go gray gracefully? I’m sick of coloring my hair every 3 weeks”. I totally get it. Personally, I worry about when I should let it go au natural or when will my bold, sassy blonded highlights become age inappropriate?  And yes, it’s tough on many of our schedules and wallets to get into our stylists chair every 4-6 weeks.


My best advice? Talk to your stylist. I know this seems obvious, but we have heard boat loads of women before you bring up this “uncomfortable” topic.  We know your concerns and what your well-intentioned family and friends might think or say.  We understand the time and commitment of “growing out” your hair.  And let’s face it, coloring your hair is its own form of addiction, fueled by a healthy dose of vanity and for me, looking the age that I feel inside.  27! Sadly, there is no 12 Step Program for going gray…or is there?


You and your stylist can hash out the options for going gray, how to reach the targeted goal and most importantly, what is it going to look like in the end.  It’s really frustrating to note that there is a noticeable lack of hair photos of hot women with gray hair: Helen Mirren!  Jamie Lee Curtis! Jane Goodall!  And yes, Kate Moss dabbled…there’s just not that many photos of graying women that don’t whisper, “granny…..”  There are those Gainsborough portraits, but let’s be real, if you don’t have the corset and hoop skirt, that Look just won’t work.


I have a handful of clients who rock their silver hair and are true “Silver Foxes!” Bold pepper streaks, whiter than snow highlighting and a good silver glaze can make or break your Gray Statement. Talk to your stylist about how bold or sheepish you need to be in this process. I promise you, you can go gray gracefully, as long as you are willing to be open to change, can communicate honestly with your stylist and are able to keep your eye on the prize.  It may be just the change you need!